Two Shetland Sheepdogs standing on a concrete slab with a sunset in the background.

Buddy Loans Guarantor Loans

Buddy Loans Guarantor Loans are an easier way to borrow money when you need it.


  • Borrow up to £7,500
  • Fixed interest rate


  • Guarantors must be homeowners
  • Guarantors cannot be tenants

Get Buddy Loans Guarantor Loans

Applying for a Buddy Loan is quick and easy:

  • No massive stacks of paperwork to complete.
  • No outrageous ‘payday loan’ type interest rates!
  • Manageable monthly payments that are spread out over time, even up to 60 months!
  • Quick approval and the money in your bank account fast. Sometimes within 48 hours!

A Buddy Loan is a Guarantor type loan. So, what is a Guarantor?

The Buddy Loans guarantor criteria is fairly straight forward and the following are the basic requirements.

personal payday loans with bad credit

A Guarantor is a good buddy or family member who figures you can repay the loan and then your buddy guarantees the loan for you.

It really is as simple as having your buddy say, this person is OK by me and I will guarantee their loan.

two pug dogs buddies

Am I eligible for a Buddy Loan?

  • Have you been turned down for credit or a loan in the past?
  • Do you have poor credit, or experienced credit problems in the past?
  • Do you just have no credit and are looking for a way to establish yourself credit wise?
  • Do you have a good friend, a good buddy or maybe family member that feels you are worthy of a Buddy Loans Guarantor Loans?
  • Do you need a loan and may not be approved due to circumstances beyond your control and you don’t want to pay those outrageously high interest rates that can be charged by Payday or similar companies and have a good buddy who will guarantee the Buddy Loans Guarantor Loans?

Buddy Loans Guarantor Loans Representative Example: The representative APR is 49.9% APR (variable) so if you borrow £1,500 over 1.5 years, at a rate of 41.16% p.a you will repay £113.07 per month & £2,037.90 in total.

You do not have to worry about Buddy Loans opening hours, as you are able to apply online at any time of the day or night and during holidays as well. Buddy Loans contact can be made through their website if you have any queries before applying for the new guarantor loan or even afterwards too. Buddy Loans login can also be made directly via their main website too.

Loan Buddy so many banks across the world have tried to present themselves as the friend in need. They have presented their financial products as the solution to economic problems. From normal banking facilities to savings, loans to various types of investment funds, banks have always tried to be a buddy for the common man.

But those very banks turn away when you don’t have a good credit score or your financial profile is not deemed to be desirable according to the policies of the banks. How is it that a bank gets to call itself a loan buddy when it is not so in reality?

In the current financial climate, we would suggest that the high street banks are not the best place to go for a new guarantor loan, as there are now much better niche type lenders that will help instead.

Amigo Guarantor Loans

Looking for Loan Buddy Loans?

The real loan buddy is the network of private lenders that can satiate your need regardless of your credit score. While people with good credit get due attention anywhere, it is those with poor credit histories that need help. Loan buddies are thus any lender that is willing to entertain loan requests.

We take it a step further by facilitating an array of loans from various providers. We bring to you a one stop resource using which you can always find yourself a loan. It could be a couple hundred to just stay afloat till you get your next paycheck.

It could be a personal short term loan to pay off a few debts that have become unmanageable. It can be a thousand pounds to pay for emergency healthcare or any other needs which don’t have any other way of being taken care of.

In your time of need, you can count on us as your loan buddy. We offer you all the resources and information that is quintessential to find the right loan. Should you need to opt for guarantor loans, then in addition to having us as your one stop resource you would also need a loan buddy in the form of a guarantor.

You have to look for a homeowner guarantor or an approved non homeowner guarantor depending on the lender’s policies. We have lenders that offer adjustable rates and fixed rates, work with non homeowner and homeowner guarantors, offer anywhere from a thousand to more than seven thousand pounds and also offer same day approvals.

With our resources and a loan buddy as your guarantor, you can get the amount you need, almost instantly and you can choose a term that is convenient enough for you to repay. You don’t have to get turned down by banks any more. Direct link to BL.

TFS Loans Guarantor Loans

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