A black and white image of a round seal with the text "Satisfaction 100% Guaranteed" and two stars, one on either side of "100%."

Consollo Guarantor Loans

Find out more about Consollo Guarantor Loans below.

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Why Choose Consollo Guarantor Loans?

They say they are dedicated to helping people get themselves out of difficult financial situations.

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Often debt can spiral, and this can result in people not being able to get the help they so desperately need because their credit score doesn’t meet a certain level.

Consollo put their customers first and provide support throughout the duration of their guarantor loan so that they can target their debt successfully.

Advantages of a guarantor loan from Consollo:

  • Funds will be paid into your account quickly upon approval
  • We do not judge you based on your credit score or credit history
  • You can borrow a larger amount than a payday loan
  • Interest rates are substantially lower than payday loans
  • One of the very few finance solutions for people with bad credit
  • Gives you the opportunity to rebuild your credit rating
  • Helps you get yourself back on the right track

Disadvantages of a guarantor loan:

  • You will need to find somebody willing to be your guarantor

Our Opinion?

We have just started using Consollo guarantor loans and although it’s early days, they do seem to operate efficiently.

The big plus is that you can borrow up to £7,500, which is higher than other guarantor loans companies we deal with, which normally have a maximum of £5,000 loan value.

Consollo Guarantor Loans are definitely an option that is worth considering. They will accept applications from people with all types of credit ratings and credit histories. It might be that you are about to take out your first loan or credit and you have no credit history at all.

Consollo are very suitable for such loan applications. Consollo Loans: Quick Approval, Substantial Amounts & Easy Guarantor Requirements! What is the biggest hurdle for most borrowers? Credit score or credit history! What is the biggest hurdle in seeking guarantor loans?

The profile of the guarantor, which would be the quintessential reason for a person’s qualifying or getting turned down.

There are plenty of lenders willing to offer you guarantor loans in the UK. However, not every lender will be easy to work with. Many will have extremely stringent criteria to fulfil.

Some would not work out for you given your profile or the guarantor you are offering. Only a few will be relevant for your needs. Even within those few, you would come across hurdles that you may not be able to overcome. That is where Consollo become relevant.

Get Consollo Loans Today

Consollo Loans are guarantor loans that are available for people with good and bad credit, in secured or unsecured form and you can get the money you need to attend to a liability. Here are just some of the many reasons why Consollo Loans are so great in your time of need.

A quintessential factor of short term loan is the time it takes to be approved. Long term loans can take some time. Huge loan amounts would understandably require a lot of time. But small loan amounts for short terms are opted for to meet a pressing financial need, not to plan a business or an elaborate financial strategy.

Hence, it cannot take even a fortnight or a week for the loan to get approved. With Consollo, you can expect to get your loan approved in just a day, provided you have furnished everything they need and there is no discrepancy.

Despite being a short term guarantor loan provider, Consollo Loans can range from a thousand up to ten thousand pounds. Usually, five or six thousand pounds are the upper limits for most profiles. These are substantial amounts if you consider the average take home pay in the UK.

Many unsecured loan providers that deal with bad credit applicants wouldn’t be willing to cross the threshold of two and a half grand. The guarantor requirements are also quite lenient. Consollo Loans allow non-homeowner guarantors.

Many guarantor loans make it imperative for the guarantor to be a homeowner in the UK. This is a substantial relief for lenders who can only manage to find a guarantor who is a fellow renter or doesn’t have a property in his or her name.

Why not click on the banner above and see what they can offer you today.

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